The secrets of Léman's abysses revealed...

the steamer HIRONDELLE,                                                     just before she sinks the steamer RHÔNE,                                                             just before she sinks the floating mast,                                                             ou boule de Bellerive, atraction des années 1929 à 48-50 little animation of waggons !... new pictures                                                                             04.01.15                                                            two submarines in the lake Léman the box with the treasure a surprising "print"... spectacular                                                                                 01.08.12                                                                                      enigma last modification                                                                       25.06.20                                                                         STEAM BOATS & YACHT last modification                                                                       12.01.15                                                                                 SAILBOATS last modification                                                                       03.10.07                                                                                 MOTORBOATS those who help us... our exhibitions...                                                                        01.06.18                                                               Morges, Ouchy, Ouchy, Bulle, Nyon, Lucerne, Lausanne dernière modification                                                          12.08.15                                     quelques images de RÉCUPÉRATIONS eLemo, Sub-rec and the MIRs...                                         Ouchy, depth 300m, June the 14th 2011,           the MIRs on the wreck of the steamer Rhône models of the great wrecks of the Léman :         SS Rhône, SS Hirondelle, SS Aigle/Simplon, SY Nemo, the waggons/carriages, the brick, the barge... approximative points...                                                       Those marking the steamers 'Rhône' and 'Hirondelle' are "sensitive" approximative points...                                                     Those marking the steamers 'Rhône' and 'Hirondelle' are "sensitive" Explore the bottom of Lake Geneva for yourself

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visit our other website   "limnology of the Léman"... and the other lake which disappeared (today french and german only)

visit the                          Swiss underwater wreck register (today french and german only)

visit also the website   The beginnings of archeology in the "Vaud" part of lake of Geneva  (sub-lé, today french and german only)

Exploration by robot (or "ROV" Remote Operated Vehicle)
Lake Geneva
wreck of steamer steamboat steam yacht wrecks
Rhône - Cygne - Hirondelle - Aigle II / Simplon - Nemo
plane motorboat sailboat
railroad trucks
carriage railway carriage carriages
...of the Compagnies de la Ligne d'Italie, Ligne du Simplon, Ligne du Tonkin.
limnology: study of fish, of sedimentation
lakeside heritage
railroad heritage
lake dwellings
Copyright Sub-rec © since 1998
underwater archeology researcher
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